I will voiceover, record and produce up to 5 minutes of voiceover audio for your POWERPOINT, WHITEBOARD or ANIMATION presentation for only $25 USD and deliver it to you in 3 days.
Need More? Just add $10 for each additional minute and portion thereof -see the extra below.
Need to sync the audio to the video…only $25 for up to each 5 minutes and portions thereof below
**Move to the head of the line and get it in 24 hours…$25 USD***
This includes all processing, editing, QC and mastering of audio. Up to 3 revisions if needed.
PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PURCHASING GIG – I want to discuss your project with you to determine exactly what you need to help you save TIME and MONEY!
I can help with:
Multiple versions for format variations
Audio-to-Video Sync
Special pricing for extended projects and ongoing work commitments
Please, no adult, explicit, profane or questionable content. I reserve the right to decide, on a case by case basis. Not sure? Please message me.
by KellyRhodes
From: US
Joined: 3275 days, 18 hours, 55 min
Delivery: 3 days