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I will Make your posters and flyers retro style for Rs.1000

I will create a retro style poster or flyer if you share the date, time and other important information of your event.

Ensure reading and understanding each point before you place the order:

• The files are shared as A4 Jpegs that are flattened. Size change requests after the completion of task will require purchase of another task.
• Using a minimum amount of text on retro style posters or flyers
makes it look better and so sticking to the following will be preferred

Header – the main title of your design (what your ‘event’ is called)
Tagline – a short description of your ‘event’ (no more than 20 characters)
Date – when is the event?
Where – Where is the event?

created 3690 days, 8 hours, 10 min ago
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