I will create a visually stunning and mobile- friendly 5-8 page static website.
Create a 5-6 page static website to provided specifications using the following methodology:
1) Provide 3 UX designs for the homepage and a standard page. It will be delivered in PDF format for review.
2) Modify selected UX as required and get final approval.
3) Develop the website per the approved UX using technology such as HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. A mobile version will not be created but the site will be designed to be mobile-friendly.
4) Site will be browser agnostic.
5) All site code will be thoroughly commented for ease of maintenance.
The completed website will be delivered as follows:
1) A website.zip file containing the website will be delivered.
2) A website_artifacts.zip file containing high resolution copies of graphics, as well as a document describing the website design.