"Great value and 100% customer satisfaction assured!!! Place order now to avail!!
You are right on target if you intend spicing up your website and making it look more professional.
I am a graphic designer, who enjoys creating the best looking banners to new clients every single day. I commit to be able to design an awesome looking website banner in just Rs.500. What’s more, I will also be sending you the .JPEG or .PNG file.
Requesting you to send out any images, logo’s or product images(better if in high resolution) that you may have.
You would only be missing out on making your website look professional if you let this deal go past you. Please do not be offended if you do not get a response from me for some time, this is only because I am really busy.
Feedback and useful tips will be highly appreciated. Also please consider that the amount I get to make from this order is a minimal!