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5 year in-industry experience and core strengths in Taxation, Transfer Pricing, Audit, Finance/CMA, Accounts/Book-keeping

by Piyush Jain     From: IN     Joined: 2917 days, 22 hours, 33 min     Delivery: 4 days

We Provide service of
1. Income Tax
2. Sales Tax
3. Service Tax
4. TDS & ROC filing
5. Accounting & Book Keeping
6. Registration to various authorities
7. Profession Tax, ESIC, Provident Fund, etc.
8. Cost and management consultancy
9. Quick Books
We are a team of Experienced Professionals with an Zeal and Passion for excellence and innovation in ours services.
We provide customized solutions at reasonable rates.

by Namanjha29     From: IN     Joined: 3355 days, 3 hours, 4 min     Delivery: 24Hrs

I am from a team of Mumbai, India based chartered accountants providing accounting and finance services. For detailed profile of our services provided please visit accountingbuzz.in

by YashikaJain     From: IN     Joined: 3138 days, 0 hours, 48 min     Delivery: 15 days

I can help you file your Quarterly TDS Returns (24Q / 26Q) within the due date. This service will also include generation of TDS certificates online once the return is processed. The data can be sent over Email / Cloud Storage as per convenience. Only the form no. 27A has to be signed by the principal deductor sent through post / courier to my official address.

by Vardhmanjain11     From: IN     Joined: 3398 days, 22 hours, 8 min     Delivery: 2 days

I can file your Salary Income Tax Returns along with other Income which you earn. This service will also include tax planning and advisory services on how to save on tax. All the documents are to be sent over email or cloud storage as per convenience.

by Vardhmanjain11     From: IN     Joined: 3398 days, 22 hours, 8 min     Delivery: 3 days

CA CS by Profession. Following are the Services we provide regarding Salary Tax return filing:
1) Income tax preparation
2) Computation of Income
3) Income Tax return filing
4) Verification of form 16 and 26AS
5) Couring to Banglore the retun

Just the following things will be required from your side:

1) Pan card and Aadhar card pic through mail
2) Bank details for return filing
3) Form 16 ( Salary certificate)
4) Details of any other Income You want to disclose

emal info@d2c-consultancy.com or visit www.d2c-consltancy.com

by Dvrupani3@gmail.com     From: IN     Joined: 3538 days, 20 hours, 23 min     Delivery: 24Hrs