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Taskr > website traffic
All Posted Jobs
100 PR4+ Directory Submissions USD $5
200 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $10
300 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $15
400 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $20
500 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $30
1000 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $45
2000 PR4 - PR0 Directory Submissions USD $100

Our Features

All submissions are done manually and in directories where a website can actually be submitted. We are not using any automated software all submisions done through firefox browser.

All one way links, NO reciprocals required.

No Link Farm Submissions, as most of the people do.
No Comment spam or any spam at all, genuine directory Submissions.
List of areas where website is expected to appear supplied after work done.
No duplicate submissions at all.
Expertise in category choosing.
Status on demand, just PM and get live status of your order.

by Nehagupta2683     From: IN     Joined: 3017 days, 23 hours, 29 min     Delivery: 15 days

I’m an expert Search Engine Optimizer with more than 7 years experiences of both “On-Page” and “Off -Page” SEO.I can assure you that I will be able to submit your task in time with quality work. I can do all these and sending you weekly reports:

Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation
Social Networking Sites
Blog Marketing
Forum Marketing
Search Engine Submission
Directory Submission
Social Bookmarking
Photo Sharing
Video Marketing
Article Submission
Answer Questions

On-Page Search Engine Optimisation
Page Titles
Meta Descriptions
Meta Tags
Image SEO
Internal Linking

I can Complete the project within 3 months maximum or even less time.

by Nehagupta2683     From: IN     Joined: 3017 days, 23 hours, 29 min     Delivery: 30 days

No doubt the best gig available on Taskr!

I will provide Google search traffic. Most of the visitors comes from USA.

Traffic will start within 48 hours from the purchase.

Key features:
Real visitors with unique ip will be driven to your website. No bots.
No china traffic
100+ guaranteed daily visits
Unlimited: you will receive constant visits for a whole 2 month with no daily limits
The traff!c is Direct and 100% Adsense SAFE
CPA, affiliations, landing pages, blogs, etc are welcome. except YouTube
Trafflc is fully trackable from Google Analytics
Tracking link provided with every order
SEO complementary

You may receive sales or opt-ins but they cannot be guaranteed. I cannot control visitors actions so please understand this before buying And If you NEED people from a specific country or language, it will be impossible to target.

I do not accept:- youtube videos, Adf.ly, Linkbucks, Adfocus, adult, Taskr jobs, sign up page, Facebook page,

by Rati Soneja     From: IN     Joined: 3554 days, 0 hours, 4 min     Delivery: 2 days

Here is what what you get from this offer with guarantee.

2 months unlimited website traffic/visitor
100% Satisfaction
True Organic Traffic
100% Adsense Safety
Boost your Serp
Real Time goo.gl and Google analytics stats
Unique ip human visitors
Traffic for months after months
No Bot Guarantee

Most webmasters or blogmasters suffer in the same problem and that is website traffic.

Most website owners major challenge is how to generate website traffic or visitor to their blogs or business website. Don't worry!!! I can solve this problem for you with Continuous unique search visitors to your blog/website. I guarantee satisfaction.

Order now Let's start word as soon as possible.

by J O-bye Fsco     From: US     Joined: 3599 days, 7 hours, 7 min     Delivery: 3 days